CUTA Endorsed

Barnes & Noble offers educators a discount through its Educator Program.  See the application here.

CTA Endorsed

CTA provides access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and career.  Check your eligibility information.  There are benefits available to both new members and retired members as well as a special website offering retirement calculators and investment information.  

NEA Endorsed

See the NEA Member Benefits Programs for information about insurance, savings, investments, refinance options, credit cards, personal loans and many more benefits that come from the buying power of a 3.2 million member organization. 

Disability and Life Insurance

Legal Services

Members of CUTA are eligible for both work related and non-work related legal consultation.

For work related issues, members need to receive a referral to receive one hour of free legal consultation. In order to initiate this process, members should contact their site rep or Rachel Merino-Ott.